We were very kindly sent The Wriggler, a wriggle-free changing mat, to test out and review. We have been using it for a few weeks now, so thought we would share our honest opinion!
The changing mat can be used as a regular padded changing mat for newborns or can be changed into a wriggle-free changing mat. The mat has a cute bear design, the bears arms ‘hug’ your little one and then you kneel on the pads at the bottom to stop the rolling away!
I was sceptical that it may be a bit long winded and annoying keeping strapping him in. Yes it obviously does take slightly longer than just laying him on a regular changing mat. But it is definitely quicker than having to keep wrestling with him to lay on his back, lay still and stop rolling and twisting.

Our Usual Wriggle Wrestle
After a few weeks of using it I now think that Zac knows that he cant roll away as he seems to make less of a fuss and doesn’t even really try to roll away once he is strapped in. It isn’t a magic changing mat so we do still have tears and tantrums sometimes, so I still have to try and give him something to occupy him just to save my eardrums and sanity. But it does make the changing process a lot quicker!
Personally I love this mat! I use it every nappy change at home, but I still use my regular changing mat when we go out. Just because our travel changing mat is attached to our nappy organiser so fits nicely in our bag. However The Wriggler mat does fold up and come with a travel bag, but it is slightly bulkier than just a thin rectangle mat. Also it would be a little difficult to kneel on the mat when in a public toilet using a pull down changing station! So seemed a bit pointless taking it out.
Whilst I love the mat, Ricky chooses not to use it. I think this could just be a man thing and he is too lazy to get it out and strap him in. Most of the time he doesn’t use any mat at all – men aye!
Overall I think this mat is a great little invention and as the main person changing Zac’s nappy every day it definitely saves me a lot of time and stress!